May Newsletter: Spiritual Growth and Creative Sparks

Welcome to this month's newsletter for May 2024!

Spiritual and Physical Changes

It's roughly three months into my personal new year, and there have been a lot of changes. Most seem to be happening on a more spiritual level (this YouTube video 'Challenging My Beliefs...Sharpening My Intuition' is a little intro into that), and I believe this may also be what's behind a few of my new physical symptoms as well: a foggy mind and lingering fatigue (possibly an awakening to something). To counteract these symptoms, I have been making sure I cover all my bases, like asking myself: Am I taking enough vitamins? Have I had enough water? Are my eating habits balanced? As a practical person, I never want to leave any physical symptoms to chance for the sake of a spiritual change—it's just not wise. Therefore, I will seek an opinion from a medical professional soon. Not to mention, I am 44 years old, and with that comes natural things that I should be mindful of. I actually look forward to middle age—aging well is finally on trend (just a touch of humor here).

A Surge in Creativity

Creatively, I've amped up my writing and blog posting. I don't know if this is in tandem with the previous things going on or simply connected with a new rhythm I've found that works for me. By the time you read these monthly emails, there's probably a new set of blog posts waiting to be read too. It's something that feels right in this season, so I'm just flowing with it. Which leads me to this next update: I've also revamped the purpose of the blog, and you can read more about the blog focus and about me in connection with it when it's most convenient for you. In short, it's the journey of a life artist, and I hope it still resonates with why you are on the email list. I think this version fits this new season of growth.

Taking on YouTube

As I mentioned last month, I'll also be practicing giving my YouTube channel some of my time and energy this year, so you'll be seeing a lot more of me there too. Sometimes the video setting brings out other thoughts and wisdom that can't find their way to paper in the moment—and that's what I'll be using the YouTube space for. It's also a space where I'll be bringing different series ideas very soon—I'll talk a little about that next month.

Invite Others and Find Me on Facebook

If you know of anyone who might be interested in following the journey of a life artist who is in her 40s, a mom, a hobby-business owner, a remote work enthusiast, a craft designer, and a growing practical living and creativity expert—send them my way by having them join the email list, follow me on Threads, and something new: I've created a public Facebook page for A Creative Life by Nherie that everyone can now follow. You can catch the other YouTube note on this here 'Starting a Facebook Page...Again'.

CliffsNotes Email Recap

If you've made it to this part of the email, let me recap: I've had some physical symptoms that I believe are also spiritually connected growing pains, I've changed up my focus for the blog and will be putting out content there more frequently, and I'll be focusing on YouTube this year as a way to organize my thoughts while providing more value in the realm of practical living and creativity. Lastly, I started a Facebook Page for A Creative Life by Nherie. If this sounds like a journey that still interests you, I'm glad you're coming along!

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. Until next month, stay creative and inspired!

Warm regards,


Living a Life of Creativity

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